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What is 3D Virtual Tour Companyᵀᴹ


3D Virtual Tour Companyᵀᴹ is your source for unique, custom content for online and social media marketing. We create 3D/Virtual Tours, HD photography (both 4k and DSLR), HD Aerial videography/photography, 360* photos and video, floor plans, single-page websites and lead-capture web pages, agent and property videos and more.  With over 20 years of experience in the real estate business, we fully understand what you are looking for and how to leverage 3D and virtual technology in today’s ever changing world.

Why Would I Want a 3D Virtual Tour of My Property or Business?
If you want people to experience or “get inside of” your space, and either immerse themselves within a property you are trying to sell, or browse your store to see what you are selling, this technology can now enable that. 24 hours a day, 7 days/week, whether in town or not, a potential buyer of what you are selling, can now view it from the inside, when you are asleep; and even be able to make a purchase! Customers can now make a purchase directly from within the virtual tour! Think about that a moment! Want to know more?


Silly question, right? Not really. Once you know whether someone is talking about a picture slideshow put to music, or that you’ll be able to almost literally (with VR goggles) be able to walk around inside a property, and get perspectives from different vantage points that are just not possible with a 2D photo, you’ll understand. In addition to being able to demonstrate (as an agent) that YOU know the difference, you’ll have a serious advantage over agents that still use their cellphone to take pictures of listings. Sellers now expect agents to bring value to the table. If YOU are NOT using this technology already, your competition is. Differentiate yourself!

Why Should I Choose 3D Virtual Tour Companyᵀᴹ

Because we are the “Above and Beyond” guys; not the do the bare minimum, “here’s your stuff and see you later” guys. We want YOU to look great by doing what we love to do. We’ll go out of our way for you, because without you, we are only us. If we have to come back and re-shoot, to make sure that you get the content you are looking for, we will – including nights and weekends! See our “Satisfaction Guarantee.

How Much Does a Virtual Tour Cost?

Our Minimum Trip charge is $250. Why? Because in order for us to cover our costs, we need to charge the amount of the least priced service we offer. That includes not just the cost of the camera and equipment, but monthly cloud subscriptions; other software for post production; insurance – to cover any damage/injury; our business license;  staff; and our time – opportunity cost for not booking a client based on a more expensive job.


Our packages start around $500-550, and include photos (both 4k/hdr/2D), a 2D floorplan, a walkthrough video, several 360 photos for social media, and a landing page, which when you compare the price for calling around to different vendors for all the different components, this saves you time and money! HDR architectural photos are extra. Also, it depends on the physical layout of the structure, time of day (for lighting purposes), and whatever other options make sense to bundle.

We’re not the cheapest or least expensive! If that’s what you’re looking for, sorry, that’s not us! We just provide the best value for your budget! And we provide support, and options that one of the discount operators do not! Just ask them to see their business license or insurance! Or how to use your content!


What Should I Do to Prepare for a 3D Virtual Tour?
For the property to show it’s best, it’s got to be in it’s best condition. It must be either recently cleaned or better yet, staged. The camera we use picks up extreme detail and will show dings on walls, paint scuffs, and other imperfections you may not want exposed in such detail. Also, beds made, trash cans around the house put under cabinets, windows cleaned. And as important as above, pets need to be secured, and, someone will need to meet one of us at the property, or booking deposit will be forfeit.

How Long Will It Take to Shoot My Property?
Depending upon the scope of the job, expect it to take 3-4 hours minimum, if all goes as expected. The actual process itself can yield around 1500 square feet per hour. Sometimes more or less, depending upon lighting conditions and how well the technology we use functions as it should. (Sometimes technology does not cooperate, as in “sync” with the previous position, or not communicate via WiFi as designed (due to some interference). Setting proper expectations up front, and “walking the property” prior to shooting, will resolve and answer any questions. Turnaround time is usually one business day, again, depending upon the size and scope of the project.

Do I Own the 3D Virtual Tour That 3D Virtual Tour Companyᵀᴹ Produces?

You will receive a lifetime license to use the content you’ve purchased for the time period spelled out in the contract. In the case of residential listings, it will be for the time the listing contract provides for. If it’s a 6 month listing, that’s how long the hosting for the 3D virtual tour will remain live. This is due to a limited amount of cloudspace. If the time period needs to be extended, it will be upon request. For a short-term or vacation rental, it will include the first year, and then only hosting fee (paid annually). Likewise for a business. These types of spaces do not have a finite lifespan, and will include a certain minimum amount of support and updates.

Why the license, and not ownership? A few reasons.

  • First, is protection of data. We do not agree with allowing 3rd party syndicators to use/profit from/sell the information it is freely given via syndication of listing data. This data, which includes basic ownership information (name, address) is used in conjunction with the AI on those sites, to be added to a database that is sold to vendors and other entities that pay them for that info. An example might be that just knowing the property is actively listed for sale would be information that a moving company, a home improvement company, an insurance company or any other business that would like to market to them – either by sending a postcard, a text, a robocall, an email, or retarget as an add in all of your social media and web browser margins. This information is sold to hundreds of buyers. If your seller knew, that by syndicating their data, that would mean they are going to be solicited in the same way an expired listing is, they would  never agree to it. And by doing it this way, you can show them that you take the protection of their data seriously, and will protect it to the best of your abilities. And show them the difference between how you market compared to other agents.
  • Next, is protection and defense of copyright. Are you capable of monitoring and defending against unauthorized use of the content that you paid us to create? Unlikely. And once the data, which is the real prize, is out of the hands of the agent or brokerage, that third party marketing  company can and will do with it, whatever it wants.
  • Next, we will work with you to repurpose and use this content after the sale occurs, remove any address identifiers *, that you can use to market yourself and what you do to market your properties.

*to comply with CCPA and protect privacy



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